Wide Angle Search for Planets

SuperWASP cameras on OMI mount
Abbreviation SuperWASP
Purpose/focus Search for distant planets
Region served Canary Islands, South Africa
Membership Eight universities
Website SuperWASP

SuperWASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) is an international academic organisation performing an ultra-wide angle search for transiting extrasolar planets with the aim of covering the entire sky down to ~15th magnitude.



SuperWASP consists of two robotic observatories; SuperWASP-North at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on the island of La Palma in the Canaries and WASP-South at the South African Astronomical Observatory, South Africa. Each observatory consists of an array of eight Canon 200 mm f1.8 lenses backed by high quality 2k x 2k science grade CCDs. The telescopes are mounted on an equatorial telescope mount built by Optical Mechanics, Inc..[1] The large field of view of the Canon lenses gives each observatory a massive sky coverage of just under 500 square degrees per pointing.


The observatories continually monitor the sky, taking a set of images approximately once per minute, resulting in a total of up to 100 gigabytes of data per night. By using the transit method, data collected from SuperWASP can be used to measure the brightness of each star in each image, small dips in brightness caused by very large planets passing in front of their parent stars can be searched for.

It is hoped that SuperWASP will revolutionize our understanding of planet formation paving the way for future space missions searching for 'Earth'-like worlds.


SuperWASP is operated by a consortium of academic institutions which include:

On September 26, 2006, the team reported the discovery of two extrasolar planets: WASP-1b (orbiting 6 million km from star once every 2.5 days) and WASP-2b (orbiting 4.5 million km from star once every 2 days).[2]

On October 31, 2007, the team reported the discovery of three extrasolar planets: WASP-3b, WASP-4b and WASP-5b. All three planets are similar to Jovian mass and are so close to their respective stars that their orbital periods are all less than two days. These are among the shortest orbital periods discovered. The surface temperatures of the planets should be more than 2000 degrees Celsius, owing to their short distances from their respective stars. The discoveries make the SuperWASP team the first and only one to detect planets in both the northern and southern hemispheres using the transit detection technique.[3] The WASP-4b and WASP-5b planets are the first planets discovered by the WASP project's cameras in South Africa, while WASP-3b is the third planet discovered by the WASP project's cameras in La Palma.

In August 2009, the discovery of WASP-17b was announced, believed to be the first planet ever discovered to orbit in the opposite direction to the spin of its star, WASP-17.

Planets discovered by SuperWASP

Star Constellation Right
Declination App.
Distance (ly) Spectral
Planet Mass


WASP-1 Andromeda 00h 20m 40s +31° 59′ 24″ 11.79 1031 F7V b 0.86 1.484 2.5199464 0.0382 0 88.65 2006
WASP-2 Delphinus 20h 30m 54s +06° 25′ 46″ 11.98 493 K1V b 0.847 1.079 2.15222144 0.03138 0 84.73 2006
WASP-3 Lyra 18h 33m 32s +35° 39′ 42″ 10.64 727 F7V b 2.06 1.454 1.8468372 0.0313 0 85.06 2007
WASP-4 Phoenix 23h 34m 15s −42° 03′ 41″ 12.6 851 G7V b 1.1215 1.363 1.33823187 0.02312 0 88.8 2007
WASP-5 Phoenix 23h 57m 24s −41° 16′ 38″ 12.26 967 G4V b 1.58 1.09 1.6284296 0.02683 0 85.8 2007
WASP-6 Aquarius 23h 12m 37s -22° 40′ 06″ 12.4 1001 G8V b 0.5 1.3 3.36 0.0269 0.054 88.47 2008
WASP-7 Microscopium 20h 44m 10s −39° 13′ 31″ 9.51 460 F5V b 0.96 0.915 4.954658 0.0618 0 89.6 2008
WASP-8 Sculptor 23h 59m 36.07s -35° 01′ 52.9″ 9.9 160 G6 b 2.23 1.17 8.16 0.0793 0.3082 88.52 2008
WASP-10 Pegasus 23h 15m 58s +31° 27′ 46″ 12.7 290 K5 b 3.06 1.08 3.0927616 0.0371 0.057 86.8 2008
WASP-11/HAT-P-10 Perseus 03h 09m 29s +30° 40′ 25″ 11.89 408 K3V b 0.460 1.045 3.7224690 0.0439 0 88.5 2008
WASP-12 Auriga 06h 30m 32.794s +29° 40′ 20.29″ 11.7 871 G0V b 1.404 1.736 1.0914222 0.02293 0 86 2008
WASP-13 Lynx 09h 20m 24.71s +33° 52′ 57.0″ 10.7 509 G1V b 0.485 1.365 4.353011 0.05379 0 85.64 2008
WASP-14 Boötes 14h 33m 06s +21° 53′ 41″ 9.75 520 F5V b 7.725 1.259 2.2437704 0.037 0.0903 84.79 2008
WASP-15 Hydra 13h 55m 42.71s -32° 09′ 34.6″ 10.9 1005 F5 b 0.54 1.16 3.75 0.0472 0 85.5 2008
WASP-16 Virgo 14h 18m 43.92s -20° 16′ 31.8″ 11.3 520 G3V b 0.855 1.008 3.12 0.0421 0 85.22 2009
WASP-17 Scorpius 15h 59m 51s -28° 03′ 42″ 11.6 1000 F6 b 0.486 1.991 3.735438 0.0515 0.028 86.83 2009
WASP-18 Phoenix 01h 37m 24.95s -45° 40′ 40.8″ 9.29 330 F9 b 10.3 1.106 0.94145299 0.02026 0.0092 86 2009
WASP-19 Vela 09h 43m 40.077s -45° 39′ 33.06″ 12.3 815 G8V b 1.168 1.386 0.78884 0.01655 0.0046 79.4 2009
WASP-20 b 0.3 4 0.9 2011
WASP-21 Pegasus 23h 09m 58.23s +18° 23′ 46.0″ 11.6 750 G3V b 0.3 1.21 4.322506 0.052 0 87.29 2010
WASP-22 Eridanus 03h 31m 16.32s -23° 49′ 11.0″ 12.0 980 G1 b 0.588 1.158 3.5327313 0.04698 0 88.26 2010
WASP-23 Puppis 06h 44m 31s -42° 45′ 43″ 12.7 K1V b 0.884 0.962 2.9444256 0.0376 < 0.062 88.39 2010
WASP-24 Virgo 15h 08m 51.72s +02° 20′ 36.1″ 11.3 1080 F8-9 b 1.03 1.10 2.341 0.0359 0 85.71 2010
WASP-25 Hydra 13h 01m 26.36s -27° 31′ 20.0″ 11.9 550 G4 b 0.58 1.26 3.765 0.0487 0 87.7 2010
WASP-26 Cetus 00h 18m 24.70s -15° 16′ 02.3″ 11.3 815 G0 b 1.028 1.281 2.7566004 0.03985 0 82.91 2010
WASP-28 Pisces 23h 34m 27.87s -01° 34′ 48.1″ 12 1090 F8-G0 b 1.12 0.91 3.409 0.0455 0.046 89.1 2010
WASP-29 Phoenix 23h 51m 31.08s -39° 54′ 24.2″ 11.3 260 K4V b 0.25 0.74 3.923 0.0456 0 87.96 2010
WASP-31 Crater 11h 17m 45s -19° 03′ 17″ 11.7 1305 F b 0.478 1.537 3.405909 0.04657 0 84.54 2010
WASP-32 Pisces 00h 15m 51s +01° 12′ 02″ 11.3 G b 3.6 1.18 2.71865 0.0394 0.018 85.3 2010
WASP-33 Andromeda 02h 26m 51.05s +37° 33′ 01.7″ 8.3 378 A5 b < 4.59 1.438 1.21986967 0.02558 0 87.67 2010
WASP-34 Crater 11h 01m 36s +23° 51′ 38″ 10.4 391 G5 b 0.59 1.22 4.3176782 0.0524 0.038 85.2 2010
WASP-35 b 0.72 1.32 3.161575 0.04317 87.96 2011
WASP-36 b 2.4 1.4 1.5 2010
WASP-37 Virgo 14h 47m 46.62s +01° 03′ 53.4″ 12.7 1102 G2 b 1.696 1.136 3.577471 0.04339 0 88.78 2010
WASP-38 Hercules 16h 15m 50s +10° 01′ 57″ 9.42 359 F8 b 2.712 1.079 6.871815 0.07551 0.0321 88.69 2010
WASP-39 Virgo 14h 29m 18s -03° 26′ 40″ 12.11 750 G8 b 0.28 1.27 4.055259 0.0486 0 87.83 2011
WASP-40/HAT-P-27 Virgo 14h 51m 04.25s +05° 56′ 50.4″ 12.21 665 G8 b 0.66 1.055 3.0395721 0.0403 0.078 84.98 2011
WASP-41 Centaurus 12h 42m 28.51s -30° 38′ 23.5″ 11.6 587 G8V b 0.92 1.21 3.052394 0.04 0 87.3 2010
WASP-42 b 0.6 1 5 2011
WASP-43 Sextans 10h 19m 38s -09° 48′ 23″ 12.4 K7V b 1.78 0.93 0.813475 0.0142 0 82.6 2011
WASP-44 Cetus 00h 15m 37s -11° 56′ 17″ 12.9 G8V b 0.889 1.14 2.4238039 0.03473 0 86.02 2011
WASP-45 Sculptor 00h 20m 57s -35° 59′ 54″ 12 K2V b 1.007 1.16 3.1260876 0.04054 0 84.47 2011
WASP-46 Indus 21h 14m 57s -55° 52′ 18″ 12.9 G6V b 2.101 1.31 1.43037 0.02448 0 82.63 2011
WASP-47 b 1.1 4.1 1.2 2011
WASP-48 Cygnus 19h 24m 39s +55° 28′ 23″ 11.06 b 0.98 1.67 2.143634 0.03444 0 80.09 2011
WASP-49 b 0.4 1.3 2.8 2011
WASP-50 Eridanus 02h 54m 45s -10° 53′ 53″ 11.6 750 G9 b 1.468 1.153 1.9550959 0.02945 0.009 84.74 2011
WASP-51/HAT-P-30 Draco 08h 15m 48s +05° 50′ 12″ 10.36 629 F b 0.711 1.34 2.810595 0.0419 0.035 83.6 2011
WASP-52 b 0.5 1.3 1.7 2011
WASP-53 b 2.5 1.2 3.3 2011
WASP-54 b 0.6 3.7 1.4 2011
WASP-55 b 0.6 4.5 1.4 2011
WASP-56 b 0.6 4.6 1.2 2011
WASP-57 b 0.8 2.8 1.1 2011
WASP-58 b 1.1 5 1.3 2011
WASP-59 b 0.7 7.9 0.9 2011
WASP-60 b 0.5 4.3 0.9 2011
WASP-61 b 1.7 3.8 1.4 2011
WASP-62 b 0.5 4.4 1.5 2011
WASP-63 b 0.3 4.4 1 2011
WASP-64 b 1.2 1.6 0.7 2011
WASP-65 b 1.6 1.3 2.3 2011
WASP-66 b 1.9 1.5 4.1 2011
WASP-67 b 0.4 1.7 4.6 2011
WASP-68 b 0.8 0.9 5.1 2011
WASP-69 b 0.3 1 3.9 2011
WASP-70 b 0.6 0.8 3.7 2011


See also


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